Things I offer

I like helping people get insight and navigate personal transformation. If you like my style and might want more, here’s an overview of what I offer:

Free stuff

I do a lot in public for free. I don’t guide folk through big transformations without us having an agreement! But I try to share my tools and perspectives openly.

Here’s some ways you can explore the free stuff:

Paid group stuff

My main group program is Mage. In Mage we practice noticing the subtle causes of our life circumstances and how to influence them.

By “subtle” here I’m referring to the stuff that we tend not to notice or orient to. If I burn my eggs because I leave them cooking and forget about them, it’s obvious what caused the burnt eggs. But if I do that every time I cook eggs, even when I try really hard to remember them and take care of them, that regularity hints that there’s something I’m not picking up on that’s causing me to keep ruining my breakfast. If trying harder doesn’t solve the situation, the issue isn’t that I need to try even harder. The issue is that I’m not looking in the right place to create meaningful change!

That’s a pretty silly example. But I see this principle affect folk’s lives pretty substantially. It’s a big theme in romance for instance: it’s why people keep having the same relationship problems with different people.

I’ve also found this kind of subtle perception key for creating beauty and meaning.

As a program, Mage is a monthly membership. It’s kind of like joining an online dojo or yoga studio. Membership includes:

  • A core set of lessons conveying the basic ideas & practices

  • Regular (mostly weekly) practice sessions

  • Replays for the talks & materials since the program’s beginning (in May 2021)

  • Occasional live talks

  • Access to the Mage community (a private social media space)

(I change the format from time to time though. People who sign up for Mage are actually signing up for my guidance with developing subtle senses, even if I change how I do it!)

If you’d like to learn more:

  • You can watch the original announcement/explanation livestream I did back in 2021 here. (My thinking has evolved a lot since then! And my embodiment of the principles. But the basic ideas are still good IMO.)

  • The talk I gave on “The Law of Subtle Causation” on this Substack is highly relevant. It’s a very Hermetic (think “wizard-like”) take on the basic idea behind Mage. (Mage isn’t Hermetic though!)

  • Reach out! If you might be interested in joining, fill out this Typeform. We can hop on a Zoom call and see whether Mage might be a fit for you.

As of April 2024, the monthly price for Mage is $120 (USD). But that’s subject to change!

Paid 1-on-1 work

I also do 1-on-1 work with folk. The two main styles are coaching and true math tutoring.

  • True math tutoring focuses on unweaving math trauma and helping folk touch and play with the unparalleled beauty of unalienable knowing. Lots of folk find this work very cathartic and clarifying. You can get a hint of what this is about by reading this Twitter thread. (You have to be logged in to see the whole thread.)

  • Coaching is pretty flexible. It tends to focus on embodiment and gnosis (the sense of “I can tell for myself”). A lot of people particularly like the way I’m able to blend spirituality and STEM thinking in a way that actually takes both seriously.

  • I’m open to oddball arrangements too if they’re a good fit. Here are a few that have worked out well:

    • Going through someone’s writing, both to help edit it and also to help them refine their thinking

    • Getting clarity in romantic relationships (not that I’m an expert! But folk tend to find my perspective very clarifying & helpful)

    • “Magic” tutoring (shamanism, Hermeticism, prayer that feels meaningful)

    • Meditation guidance (again, not that I’m an expert — but there are a few things I’m quite strong in and can help guide folk in)

Typically we hop on Zoom for around 90ish minutes each session. I don’t charge per minute. Instead I aim for us to reach a “full” or “complete” point, which I’ve come to learn tends to happen around 1.5 hours in. If we reach that point after half an hour, we wrap up early! If it takes a bit longer, I’m usually okay with that. (I usually can’t go much longer than 90 minutes though.)

Session cost varies. My prices tend to go up over time. But to give you an idea, as of April 2024 here’s what I tend to charge (all USD):

  • $225 for a single session in isolation

  • $400 for two sessions

  • $575 for three sessions

I typically don’t offer packages larger than this. Three times per month tends to be about the max that’s helpful for most people. But I’m open to other arrangements too!

If you’re interested in some kind of 1-on-1 arrangement with me, fill out this short Typeform.