Here I talk about one simple but profound Hermetic law — one that gets butchered a lot.
It's key to anything you'd want to call "magic".
In short, it says that magical causes are subtle.
Or in more shamanic language, the physical world is an echo of the spirit world.
Or in a more scientific frame, what you experience is a result of your brain interacting with something you cannot see directly. You're experiencing an interpretation, not that which is being interpreted.
When you understand this Hermetic law clearly… well, you realize it's kind of self-evident. It's like saying "Soft things are soft."
But in practice people often treat this law as false.
…which results in them looking for magical levers in all the wrong places!
Or acting like those levers cannot exist at all.
This video is an interlude in my Pareto Hermeticism series. It stands well on its own. But if you like this talk and would like more, consider subscribing:
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